Sculptra® is an injectable product that subtly and gradually restores facial volume for a soft, natural, more youthful appearance. With aging, there is a decrease in collagen production which results in lines, wrinkles, folds as well as volume and support loss. Sculptra® provides a natural look without being overdone or over plumped.
Sculptra® can be used to accomplish lifting of the lower face, softening of the cheeks, volume replacement,softening nasolabial folds, and treating hollow temples.
What is Sculptra® made from?
Sculptra® is a synthetic form of lactic acid. Lactic acid is naturally produced by our muscles when we exercise. Sculptra® gradually resolves due to action by your body's cell enzymes, but can last up to 24 months.
Why is Sculptra® different from other facial fillers?
Facial fillers generally replace volume in specific area of lines and wrinkles. Sculptra® adds volume to the face that we lose as we age and also fills grooves and hollows. Sculptra® can also be used with facial fillers to enhance facial volume and contour. Sculptra results evolve over a period of time, facial fillers provide immediate results. If the client wants immediate "camera ready" results, fillers are the product of choice.
Muscular areas, such as around the mouth and lips do not respond well with Sculptra®. The product is never injected into muscle. In a clinical study, most patient treatment results lasted for up to two years after the initial Sculptra® treatment session.
We recommend a yearly maintenance treatment to prevent complete loss of product and returning to a pre-injection state.

What to do prior to treatment
We request that you arrive with a clean, make-up free face to help minimize the risk of infection due to bacteria on the face.
Arnica may be taken the day before and the day of injection as well as after treatment to help minimize the possibility of bruising.
As with Botox, to decrease the possibility of bruising, we recommend to avoid the following:
Fish oil
Vitamin E supplements
Antibiotics ten days prior to treatment
Please consult with your medical provider before stopping prescription aspirin or blood thinners. Clients prone to cold sores or fever blisters should consult with their medical provider for prophylactic treatment.
If you are currently pregnant or nursing, DO NOT have a Sculptra® injection.
We ask that you wait two weeks after dental work to receive Sculptra®.
Please call (480) 807-1500 if you have any additional questions.
What can I expect to happen at a treatment session?
Your aesthetician will answer all of your questions and prepare you for the treatment at our Mesa office. Here are some basic guidelines:
The area where the injections will be given will be cleaned with an antiseptic.
Topical numbing will be applied.
Sculptra® will be injected in small amounts into the skin using a very fine needle. Multiple injections will be needed.
An ice pack should be applied to the treatment area to help reduce swelling after the injections are administered.
Use an Ice pack: apply to the area of treatment GENTLY to help with the swelling and tenderness.
Facial Massages: Massage the treated areas for 5 minutes, 5 times a day for 5 days after treatment as recommended by our provider
Avoid sunlight and UV exposure: excessive sunlight and UV exposure should be avoided until the initial swelling and redness goes away
Makeup can be applied 24 hours after injection- using clean hands and brushes is recommended to decrease the risk of infection
No strenuous exercise for 24 hours.
Are the results from Sculptra® immediate?
No. After your first treatment, it may appear that Sculptra® worked immediately; this is because of swelling from the injections and the water used to dilute Sculptra®.
After a few days, when the swelling goes down and your body absorbs the water, you may look as you did before your treatment. Sculptra® takes time to gradually correct the depression in your skin and restore volume.
You will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment to decide if you need more Sculptra® injections.
How many treatments are required?
Sculptra® works with your body by stimulating your cells to help build your own collagen over the course of 1-3 treatments over three to four months
Treatment results will differ from person to person. In a clinical study, most treatment results were shown to last for up to 2 years after the first treatment session. Touch-up Sculptra® treatments at our Mesa office may be needed to maintain the desired effect.
What are the possible side effects of treatment with Sculptra®?
The most common side effects that patients see with the use of Sculptra® include injection-related side effects at the site of the injection such as:
These side effects generally last, on average, 3 to 17 days.

How quickly can I get back to my daily activities?
Most patients feel comfortable going back to their normal activities following treatment. No downtime is usually required.